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Real hookup ads Ashland, Kentucky

Root0688 Ashland
My mister to worship as he sees fit. 5'8 plush size looking for a man with wavy hair, keep scrolling. Definitely wanting something discreet. Considerate, sense of humor, likes to have fun and experience. Ive been around the world and continue to be looking and being tempted by the pictures and sites..
Greeneyegirl386 Ashland
Someone fun,honest and naughtyside in Ashland. Interested in real meets and not really looking for a bunch of folks, "Hey sexy" or other random/vague messages get lost in the mix. Fetish friendly, Make me do dirty things.
Ringo4Funx Ashland Kentucky
I love that. All i want is some fun company and someone I can hang out with as well.
FayetteStorr486 Ashland Kentucky
That she is willing to voice that issue..Love tongue teasing a clit! Non smokers please, that's about it, let's chat and have fun. Want great conversation: regular / erotic with real people. I like Conversation & Physical intimacy. If i put myself out there. Growing out my hair and I have hazel eyes glasses goatee and weigh about 255 lbs.
Lauraxochung Ashland
Number one on that list should always be sex. Summer art festivals, long lazy mornings in bed with my husband. Love traveling for new adventures. Am here predominantly for when my ovulation phase makes me super horny and hungry. Not picky. It's simple.
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Looking for chats and picture exchange and anything else you may desire. Being a laid-back person, I tend to go with the flow.

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Married for 17yrs. Younger, vers and fit are a huge plus.